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There's No
Tomorrow / Resources BOOKS Some of the major peak oil books, in no particular order. Most of these titles are listed on the site's store. (incubatepictures.com has no commercial connection with these titles or authors): Dmitri Orlov: Reinventing Collapse Richard Heinberg: The Party's Over and Powerdown James Howard Kunstler: The Long Emergency John Michael Greer: The Long Descent Matt Simmons: Twilight in the Desert Kenneth Deffeyes: When Oil Peaked David Goodstein: Out of Gas Robert Hirsch: The Impending World Energy Mess A larger list of reading material, including lifestyle/survival titles. WEBSITES COLLAPSE Archdruid Report: John Michael Greer, author of "The Long Descent". Club Orlov: Dmitri Orlov, auther of "Reinventing Collapse". Culture Change: Jan Lundberg, a former oil industry professional. Richard Heinberg: Richard's Museletter blog. Ugo Bardi: teacher of physical chemistry at the University of Florence. NEWS Automatic Earth: Financial news from two collapse-writers. Chris Martenson: Economy, Energy & the Environment. ECONOMY & GROWTH Al Bartlett: The ultimate growth lecture. Selected Articles: More articles by Professor Bartlett. Dennis Meadows: - Economics and Limits to Growth. Isaac Asimov: The Last Question. ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY David Strahan: Another peak oil analyst. Radio Ecoshock: Alex Smith's site has a hard-hitting weekly podcast. Energy Bulletin: Another fine source of peak oil/energy information. The Oil Drum: A top source for energy news/analysis, now an archive. Stuart Staniford: Formerly of theoildrum, an excellent source of analysis. IDEAS/TRANSITION Albert Bates: author of "The Post Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook". Ran Prieur: An unconventional and fresh thinker. Sharon Astyck: A self-sufficient woman, who blogs. Transition Towns: Local planning for collapse. |